
How to Get Rid of Piriformis Syndrome Pain Permanently

Get the Lowdown in a 6-Minute Video

Are you experiencing piriformis muscle pain? I’m going to teach you how to get rid of it today. More importantly, give you a strategy to make sure it doesn’t come back.

buttock muscles glute piriformis and sciatic nerve

If you feel pain deep in your buttocks, and there may even be numbness in the legs.

What can you do?

Next, I will show you how the piriformis muscle can cause sciatica in the buttocks, along with quick exercises that can provide immediate relief.

It’s important to do the exercises correctly and really pay attention to detail. This way you can achieve maximum results and get rid of symptoms quickly.

But 1st I’ll explain what the problem might be.

What is piriformis syndrome?

The pain you’re experiencing in your butt and extending down your leg may be coming from your piriformis muscle. The sciatic nerve, the thickest nerve in our body, starts from the lower back, passes through the piriformis muscle, and extends down to the leg.

When the piriformis muscle tightens, it puts pressure on the sciatic nerve in the buttock area, causing discomfort. You usually experience pain in the deep buttock area and buttocks sciatica.

What causes sciatica buttock pain?

What is the exact issue? What caused the complaint?

Symptoms of piriformis syndrome typically manifest when sitting for extended periods, running long distances, especially with legs crossed, walking slowly, or running uphill. This occurs because in these positions, the muscles are prone to becoming overworked and fatigued.

Its location between the hip joint and sacrum. When there are dysfunctions in the lower back or hip joint, the piriformis muscle is constantly either lengthened or compressed. These actions are not what it is designed for.

Therefore, I will give you something to improve your hip function and activate your lower back, or else you will never truly break free from piriformis pain. This is also why solely stretching the piriformis muscle won’t provide relief.

2 ways to piriformis syndrome self test

At the outset, you can assess the health of your piriformis muscle through a simple self-examination. Proper testing is crucial for determining the appropriate course of treatment.

The Straight Leg Raise

The 1st method is The Straight Leg Raise.

Lay on your back, keep one leg straight, and raise it as high as you can. If you feel pain or tightness in the buttock area, you might be dealing with a piriformis syndrome impostor.

The Straight Leg Raise Test for Piriformis Syndrome Pain

Beatty Maneuver

Another method is Beatty Maneuver. 

Lie on your unaffected side, bend the knee of your affected leg, and lift it towards the ceiling. If this causes discomfort in the buttocks, it’s time to suspect the gluteal region is up to no good.

Beatty Maneuver Test for Piriformis Syndrome Pain

How to heal piriformis syndrome

Identifying the piriformis muscle as the pain source simplifies the treatment process.

In the therapy room, the therapist applies elbow pressure to your buttocks and then gently swings your body to help you stretch. This method is effective and correct.

A Traditional Chinese Medicine massage GB30 Acupressure Points for Piriformis Syndrome

Piriformis stretches at home

Now, I will explain how you can achieve similar results at home.

Start by placing the Acu-Hump beneath your hips.

It employs trigger point pressing, featuring 14 strategically positioned humps to target trigger points accurately.

It can also be used while lying down. Your body weight and the humps work together, targeting and relaxing the affected areas.

The more tense your muscles are, the greater the discomfort you may experience. With increased usage and muscle flexibility restoration, this condition can alleviate over time.

After you become accustomed to the routine, incorporate stretching.

Lie on your back on a comfortable surface, such as a yoga mat or carpet.

Bend your knees and place your feet flat on the ground, hip-width apart.

Cross your right ankle over your left knee, forming a 4-shape with your legs.

Reach through the space between your legs and clasp your hands behind your left thigh.

Gently pull your left thigh toward your chest while keeping your right knee pressing away from your body.

You should feel a deep stretch in the right piriformis muscle and possibly the right glute.

Hold this position for about 30s to 1 min, breathing deeply and focusing on relaxing into the stretch.

If the stretch becomes too intense, ease off slightly but continue to maintain a comfortable stretch.

Release the stretch on the right side, uncross your legs, and then repeat the same steps with your left ankle crossed over your right knee.

Remember to breathe deeply and steadily throughout the stretch to help relax your muscles and optimize the stretch.

Remember to breathe deeply and steadily throughout the stretch to help relax your muscles and optimize the stretch.

Engage your glutes in the precise movements, and you’ll truly feel them at work.

This targeted stretching not only enhances muscle flexibility but also provides temporary relief. However, without altering your lifestyle habits, the symptoms are likely to persist in the long run, especially intensifying during transitions from prolonged sitting or standing and engaging in activities like running.

But fret not, there is hope. Simply remember to unwind fully and maintain overall body coordination and flexibility, which can help prevent most episodes of pain.

The unique features of Acu-hump

Acu-hump has designed a 10min stretching regimen that allows you to release the tight muscles in your lower back, hips, and legs in just a short span of time.

Utilizing this tool efficiently at home can help relax tense muscles and relieve discomfort.

Upon purchase, you will receive 1 Acu-hump, a clear printed instruction manual, and a comprehensive video guide.

It offers 2 levels of use: for beginners and masters. It assists you in gradually elevating your techniques, enabling you to master the technique of relaxing your lower body progressively and preventing future bouts of pain.

Click the button below to secure your order and relieve your discomfort.

Upon purchase, you’ll gain further demonstrations that focus on stretching the lower back, SI joint, piriformis, glutes, and hamstrings. All areas leading to sciatic nerve discomfort will experience relaxation.

Click the link below to shop now.

Results come faster the sooner you begin using it.

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Hear What Our Satisfied Customers Say

Read testimonials from multiple customers who found relief with Acu-hump.

reviewer Momma at the lake

Momma at the lake
September 11, 2023

I purchased this because I suffer with sciatica on both sides. Used it on the bed and did the exercises with my husband’s assist… while doing this I noticed the soles of my feet getting numb. Did the exercises slowly. Removed the product and raised up and stood on my feet with no pain. I almost started to cry. RELIEF

Workin’ Mom
March 29, 2023

This massager alleviates my sciatica pain and I am so thankful for it.

reviewer Momma at the lake

Dog Dad
October 23, 2022

I purchased this because I suffer with sciatica on both sides. Used it on the bed and did the exercises with my husband’s assist… while doing this I noticed the soles of my feet getting numb. Did the exercises slowly. Removed the product and raised up and stood on my feet with no pain. I almost started to cry. RELIEF